Monday, December 12, 2016

17 Healthcare Tips for 2017

  1. Protect yourself from injury by wearing helmets and other activity-appropriate gear.
  2. Prevent disease by using sunscreen or insect repellent when necessary.
  3. Make an appointment with a medical professional for a check-up, vaccination, or screening.
  4. Wash your hands often with soap and water to prevent the spread of infection and illness.
  5. Make healthy food choices.
  6. Prepare healthy snacks in advance to have in your car or at your desk.
  7. Be active to improve overall health.
  8. Try simple things such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  9. Stand up every hour if you typically sit at a desk/computer all day.
  10. Be active for at least 2½ hours a week.
  11. Be smokefree.
  12. Get enough sleep. Remember that sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.
  13. Reduce auto-related injuries by using seat belts, child safety seats, and booster seats that are appropriate for your child's age and weight.
  14. Learn positive parenting tips to keep kids safe in school and teens safe on the road.
  15. Gather your/your family's health history, and keep it on hand for easy reference.
  16. Drink more water.
  17. Smile and laugh as much as possible.

We hope that you do not need us next year, but we are here for you every day until 10:30pm if you do.  Have the happiest and healthiest of holidays!